- IT service provider with top position in digital transformation services for clinics and hospitals as well as healthcare payers
- CANCOM with strong footprint in German healthcare market
- ISG highlights broad range of managed services and digitization platforms
CANCOM achieves a top ranking in the Healthcare Digital Services sector in a recent study by market research company ISG. According to a market comparison, CANCOM is the leader in Provider Digital Transformation Services and Payer Digital Transformation Services in its competitive environment. ISG particularly highlights the expertise in the healthcare sector, the seamless spectrum of platforms for digitalization, and the available range of managed services.
As in many other industries, the pandemic is driving the progress of digitization in healthcare. Efficiency and cost pressures at facilities are driving demand for digital transformation services. In a comprehensive market study, the market research company ISG has now identified and evaluated particularly relevant providers of Digital Transformation Services in the healthcare sector in Germany: CANCOM is classified as a leader. “CANCOM is developing dynamically and has developed a strong footprint in the German healthcare market,” ISG sums up in the market comparison.
Strong footprint in the German healthcare market
With its comprehensive IT offering, CANCOM covers all the requirements of digital transformation in the healthcare industry. According to the study, the IT service provider impresses in the market environment with digital transformation services for healthcare providers such as hospitals. “In the German market for provider digital transformation services, CANCOM can boast numerous customers. In addition, the number of customers is growing strongly. Another indicator of CANCOM’s position in the German healthcare market is the large number of references; particularly with regard to hospital chains operating nationwide, CANCOM can boast prestigious names,” says the market research firm. But CANCOM also leads the competition in digital transformation services for payers, i.e., statutory health insurance funds and private health insurers.
CANCOM also has its own team of experts for Healthcare Solutions & Services, who specialize in the needs and requirements of healthcare institutions. “CANCOM is represented in Germany by numerous experts for the healthcare sector, which means that even extensive digitization projects can be implemented,” ISG assesses.
“With our IT offering and our healthcare experts, we already cover the entire IT and digitization needs of healthcare facilities. In addition, we will continuously expand our benefits and services for new fields of application,” says Werner Schwarz, Vice President Corporate Strategy & Innovation.
Broad range of services for the healthcare industry
ISG particularly emphasizes the diversity of CANCOM’s portfolio for the healthcare sector. On the one hand, for example, CANCOM offers a seamless portfolio of managed services. “This is particularly interesting for healthcare providers who don’t have the expertise or resources to run their own operations.” On the other hand, CANCOM is able to “cover a seamless spectrum of platforms for digitization as part of its service offering, for example Patient Contact Centers and Analytics & Reporting, but also innovative Robotic Process Automation” ISG added.